NOMAT: Nonton Hemat Film Bioskop & Serial TV Terbaru Subtitle Indonesia Gratis

Serendipity's Embrace (2024)

Kualitas: HD
Rating: 8.9 / 10 (13)
Negara: Korea
Sutradara: Nam Ji-eun
Tahun Rilis: 2024
Durasi: 60 Mins.
Sinopsis: After 10 years in the U.S., Hoo-Young returns to Korea and meets his first love, Hong-Joo, at a café by chance. Just as, the window into which Peter Pan flew happened to be Wendy's room. Just as, the prince happened to find Cinderella's glass shoes. As if nothing had changed in the past 10 years, Hoo-Young becomes clumsier only in front of Hong-Joo. It’s like going back to the age of 19 when he met his first love, Hong-Joo. Hoo-Young and Hong-Joo’s days, which have faded a little, begin to turn into vivid rainbow colors again.

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Nonton Serendipity's Embrace (2024)

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